A thread runs through all my future works; many remember, is to reach new-tiers of interest and understanding; about creativity, its inner-templates and innovative condition.  I've not done these tomes, trying to round-up main themes, contours and foundation by workmanship and crafting...  If you've read my works, you know intrinsic-value truly, dialectic and eclectic.  Now, deepened, expanded and exposed, more impacting contentions.  I've read my ebooks time and time again recognizing that  driving home passions, perfections and portrayals.  All full-length, 35-ebooks in the works, have a level of possession that I believe you readers have been waiting for. 

    That perception has really, taken off.  There is a new and objective-expanse traversing a new conundrum and obliged-conducive about.  My pleasure is to delve-deeper into truing allegory about thoughts, perceptions and profoundness.  Previous website, open with a rather coquetic-anomaly and extemporaneousness.  I've focused and sharpened at the heart of ratifier and rule-of-thumb to materializing a genuine just and justification in an allume of art and impact.  Follow and stay up-to-date on coming attractions and folley at this site.  I promise I won't let you down.  See "flames" of ignited-writing like no other.  Endeavor to read all my past and future works, you'll enjoy them and be reempowered about their literary enjoyment.

      Mentioning only one of my ebooks is "Dark Knowledge", a stand-alone...   A realistic-citation about what lays at center of death, murder and a natural law of evil, death and deviation; in a mind.  A hidden-perspective we all have a necessary-conscience to be aware.  Revealing and connotating envisage what every being recollects even if never acted upon.  "Life for Today" is a portrayal panaramic reciting about how we live now, change and simply redeeming and demands we face and a self-civil command and extract.  There are many more, so be ready as their minute snippets are detailed here.  Be ready....


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