With all that's going on in society let's be self-motivated to read.  Were battling an enemy that is only so big.  To be frightened is to be in danger.  Everyone read my blog.  For inspiration and implication, set and settled on what's best investingly, and appliantly.  We have our own lives to live.  But we are safe, if we listen to those who can help us, and understand that there is a hazard in being defiant.  I've been trained in predoctorate and I know the COVID 19 is dangerous, but believing in getting over this is simply being self-protective.  We've been  adopting to being social in so many ways.  So we need the spirit of commitment that requires from the start to be self-aware, and be granting of odds about life.  Our lives are limited, our role small and our purpose simple.  Lives are lost, times will end and fear must be under control.  We had it so good that we want to use our new freedoms to build and overtake what is prosperity and boredom, but now we've come to a new-confrontation.  At issue is our survival, we  must reengage  and defend and fight the enemy, though we've been internally, blessed.  So read me, as a culture we've reached a new era: 2020s, where spirit and inspirations are appearing everyday, and we've no less accepted and been inclined to be rewarded.  We all come from differing backgrounds, growing up, and ideas about what life should be.  Some of us remember the 70s and others the 90s and those after remember none of that toil and circumstance. But those who do, build upon your life, your youngers can only assize and ponder what music, events, losses and gains that are here now.  We all live together, where as a group should be the gift to each other, and be guided by the blessings of the future and the past.
    As you'll see in my ebooks available for $1.49 each at Smashwords.com search:allendan5; there are the thoughts of change, unknowing, losses and fears but what is at the center is the ignorance of our own fears.  That if we accept and not judge, we will succeed.  Where things like 9/11, terrorism, wars and threats are all subverted by those in-charge who can sometimes only see beyond their nose.  The world is a wide-open but limiting place, that we survive simply, and can only move-on and account for the truth  about life.  So what strikes most of us is the inspirations we get from things outside of us.  We recognize true meaning, and change our directions in life.  Being accounted and acceding into better principles, philosophies, plans and goals.  We can't reach someone else's dream, but we feel moved enough to seek something better.  Induced and inviting by our own aspirations we are allowed to grow.  I take some of this up in my new and upcoming ebook.  We all see different but it is the hope of true-alliances that makes life, worthwhile.  Out by July '20.


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