Unlike, so many TV-shows; and so many land-owners' struggles of survival, in rurality; there are those both deserving and given proof and pittance, to this locale-bravery...  Like Boone, Chisom and all those empowering themselves to live and thrive against popular-laws.  It takes self-vision, vitality and self-virtue.  Donni ang Georgi have focuses of iron.  That duty and duplicity are uneven impacted...

  There's the defining and deriving of deeds seen and exactingly experienced.  There was a dream, honor and respect for what was and will and worthiness engaged and given tenets to be forged snd fathomed.  In this drama is the storied overcoming perceived and persevered.  That it was no price to be established and adorned in personification and prodition granting and grounded by purpose, promise and principles...


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