Episode vignette: "STARFIRE" ( A BO JON LITTLE HORSE p.i. BOOK III)

Once again, this Detective private-investigator is on a case.  I put a new-twist on a potential terrorist/ world event/ mass destruction...  Read along as a new-era has arrived, but also once-murderers have secretly and as an inspired dedication-to act against a world scheme.  Bo Jon, plays a heroic pivotal-role.  There is suspense, macabre, mystery and hope made to be destined, or determined...  It's an espousal of fortune and reason.

All the key-players are articulated, derived and deduced.  Bo must think fast and terrorist must think faster.  You'll be astonished and impressed in this storyline.  Please read "STARFIRE" at Smashwords.com search Allendan5.  You're going to be amazed.  Do so immediately!!!


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