Get housed again. By taking the voyage on new books.

Resign to be resounding and resourceful.  My recent titles at search allendan5 or in paperbacks at search Danny Eugene Allen are present and ready.  There are grand, new originals awaiting-readership.  Now, I'm coming back stronger; after a little break from production.  But my writership is now reading for even more delights.  I have another BJL PI prequel, more on nonfiction and a very poignant screenplay.  Get ready to read.  Take on this coming normalcy predicted by the press.  Find your best job, live wherever you like and share your bounty with family friends and those you care then take time to read.  Don't let that big screen eat you alive with inscrutable contusion.  Give unto yourself.  You've got 35 universes to go traveling in your deep designing self enrichment.
Grab, gradate and grant for your own civility.  See you soon.  That's great reading a winner.


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