
Here begins the new-anthem of "Danny" Eugene Allen's Opus...

    You have arrived in a new-time "tunnel".  Where the thoughts, thinkings, theories and theorems will surface and be expanded.  Expending within the gamuts of writing, creativity, unique-instances and ideas.  The open-digest of visions and virtuous-meanings, manifests and engineering-manifesto in the character of interpretations.  Like many of his ebooks this, is an Oasis of facts, fosterings and facilitations...  A defining-spirit and cultural-inspiration are in facts and functionals a fulfillment.  As we travel the path of incentive, insight and intention; you will get depth of field about Danny's objective, opportunity and engaging-in internal, and expounded...  A perfecting-prevailing and provisions, counting and recounting by competence, commitment and conjecture.  Choosing this-site to raise his-bar of abasing and embasing, provided and prevalent.  Enacted and encompass constructive personal-context...  Proving and bei...
This is the time to return to our role of finding good-reading, great story and fantastic sensibilities.    As you face things in this ever-changing, ever-evolving and succinct world.  It's a great time to be a consummate reader.  While we will be learning, growing and proving our way through life, we need time to relax, find things outside ourselves and becoming gratifying value in things simple, worthy and willingly, worthwhile.  Let's not touch on all the invariables about things uncontrollable, incessant and inordinate but purposeful and full of possibility.  My ebooks shall give new hope, prinicple and philosophy that brings everyone joy.  Leave all the insecurities, incursions and incivilities and follow your own path.  Begin to engage and engender and empower your best hopes, honesty and heart.  It's all in my basic writing for sometime to come.  The many creative connoting are coming and a full-resource.  Be read...
CORE FUTURE-WORK, ABOVE AND BEYOND-ORDINARY.                A thread runs through all my future works; many remember, is to reach new-tiers of interest and understanding; about creativity, its inner-templates and innovative condition.  I've not done these tomes, trying to round-up main themes, contours and foundation by workmanship and crafting...  If you've read my works, you know intrinsic-value truly, dialectic and eclectic.  Now, deepened, expanded and exposed, more impacting contentions.  I've read my ebooks time and time again recognizing that  driving home passions, perfections and portrayals.  All full-length, 35-ebooks in the works, have a level of possession that I believe you readers have been waiting for.      That perception has really, taken off.  There is a new and objective-expanse traversing a new conundrum and obliged-conducive about.  My pleasure is to delve-deeper ...
Embark on a new conclusion: Read new ebooks of DEA.   In the next 35 ebooks I'll be introducing you to all new areas of literary ideas.  All are based on creative and reembasic ideas.  If you have read my previous works you'll know that my writing spans a range of decorums.  Well now you be seeing all new scores of trials, triumphs and travails.  I didn't waste time idling, I've touched on an entirely, new touchpoint.  So read my previous works to catch up, and reconsider what my writing has to offer.  And as a new-reader you'll identify and recognize that I''m no shirker when it comes to written text, themes or ideas.  So get ignited at search: allendan5. <script async src=""></script> <!-- Coffee ad --> <ins class="adsbygoogle"      style="display:block"      data-ad-client="ca-pub-8930631406803073" ...

Refind yourself this Fall, read this site and allendan5's ebooks...

BE READY HE'S COMING BACK BIG!!! You ready for a new embark on what time and sacrifice has been waiting?  Well, you get it.  You may think 5 years has been putting you into a lulling nap.  All those months, seasons, new years and holidays whiled away.  But allendan5 has not been like that.  You ready for mind-bending, thought-provoking, engaging and hard to find literature well the gates are about to be opened.  Ever think about life, existential relativity, death, city crimes, war, evil, impacts about things and all about what things that you toss and turn at night about.  Well Danny E. Allen will straighten and realign your impressions and self-virtue about that and much, much more.  Forget all that internet, facebook and spotify dimensionless delirium, we're going to pack it in as we reorient this self-deserved depictions.  You can consider it an emporium waiting to set up a survival camp from all the other internet hyperbole.  O...
                                        Working rationale.    I've been pondering, these next 35 ebooks, and at this site I thought I connote my interesting and engaging ideas for them.  My thinking drifts, collides and embraces many umbrages about what should be a spectacular, uplifting and insightful line of creativity.  Each new book coincides with deep thoughts that pass into, perceive and processes in their genuine commoted communality.  City neighborhoods, mystic Native American powers, people sociology, personal aspects, visions and ideas all set into a depicting and meaningful-manifest.  Each are a determination about my form of writing.  The better choices about thoughts, theories and themes which engage and excite in their private incentive.  
" A whole different-world " by Danny E. Allen, in detailed-contentious and contemplative-depiction  [next upcoming e-book]...    This is genuine and crucial-tome, an "inside-out" leading, contemplative-conscription.  About instances, pragmatics and details-on all aboutt what an enitre-world; a ponder and inflexing-tentatives, and determinative-influxes; find, lead and partake-in life.  Experiences by discussion and contemplation un-opening cognitive corollary and revising-contention adjusting and atomizes cerificate-life, as we know.  The simple, poignant, poetic and principled-intentions and allusion...  Factored in and forming, a condition and plurality, divulging a crucial and by critical-account.  Set and besets "visions", virtues and adducing, vendication; by images and ideas.  Plying and playing-out in unique/universal careful-concerted conduit...  Implicative-deserving and deducing, proctord and preeminent; about the questi...